
I'm a PhD student at Laboratoire de Conception et d'Intégration des Systèmes (LCIS) (Lab for the Design and Integration of Systems) in Valence, France. I have the pleasure to work with Laure Gonnord and Christophe Deleuze. I got a theoretical background from my masters' at ENS de Lyon and now work to apply it on compilation and embedded software, where I have the most experience.

Here is a copy of my résumé.

Contact email:

Research projects #

In embedded systems

My Ph.D work focuses on getting counter-measures for fault injection and side-channels attacks up the compilation chain, by making the compiler generate fault-resistant code from source annotations.

In formal verification

Teaching #

I work as a teaching assistant designing and supervising practicals at Grenoble INP - Ésisar, an engineering school with pretty wide coverage of automatics, electronics, and computer science. I've helped with the following classes: