
I'm a PhD student at Laboratoire de Conception et d'Intégration des Systèmes (LCIS) (Lab for the Design and Integration of Systems) in Valence, France. I have the pleasure to work with Laure Gonnord and Christophe Deleuze. I got a theoretical background from my masters' at ENS de Lyon and now work to apply it on compilation and embedded software, where I have the most experience.

Here is a copy of my résumé.

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Research projects#

In embedded systems#

My Ph.D work focuses on getting countermeasures for fault injection and side-channels attacks up the compilation chain, by making the compiler generate fault-resistant code from source annotations. This is difficult for multiple reasons all related directly or indirectly to the abstraction stack, but mostly:

I played with the first problem in [MDG24], a project in which I built a software/hardware countermeasure to a pretty nasty fault attack that skips code by the byte, corrupting instructions. Modeling the fetch unit's behavior as part of a semantics of assembly allows us to close the (small) abstraction gap between the assembler code and the attacked encodings. Even then, getting the toolchain to generate protected requires us to intervene both in the back-end and the linker (foreshadowing).

In formal verification#


I work as a teaching assistant designing and supervising practicals at Grenoble INP - Ésisar, an engineering school with pretty wide coverage of automatics, electronics, and computer science. I've taught practicals and the occasional lecture with the following classes:



Sébastien Michelland, Christophe Deleuze, and Laure Gonnord. From low-level fault modeling (of a pipeline attack) to a proven hardening scheme. In Compiler Construction (CC’24), Edinburgh (Scotland), United Kingdom, March 2024.